Your loyalty, our greatest commitment
Today, Enlaces Corporativos is an established and consolidated business with more than 10 years of experience, on the path of continuous improvement.
This experience will lead us to open new spaces and attract new markets, as well as continue growing and recruiting extraordinary talent.
We are committed to the professionalization of business, allowing shared spaces with avant-garde trends that generate significant savings for our clients who trust in the professionalism of a well-established brand.
Learn more about us
What made you decide to hire an office in this concept?
To obtain a municipal registration, the authority required me to have an established address in the municipality of Solidaridad.
How have we helped you and what benefits do you find from being here at Corporate Enlaces?
First of all, finding them online was easy, the attention I received in the call, the subsequent calls and the information received by mail clarified all my doubts in such a way that I can fiscally comply with what was requested. In addition, I really appreciate not having a forced term contract or conditions that lead my company to losses.
What is that added value that you have found in Corporate Links?
In addition to the attention, having supported us during the pandemic, to keep us paying for a few months at a discounted price. Not every company is empathetic with the conditions currently experienced in our country.
Daniel Mora Navarro / esmart options, s.a. de c.v.

Our work team
Mission and Vision of our company
We are a practical, innovative and accessible solution in offices, creating shared spaces, which translate into significant savings, offered by a team highly committed to the needs of our clients, eliminating operational barriers, achieving the centralization of resources, professionalizing the industry and maintaining quality and consistency in our service.
Offer the most efficient alternative in the trend of sharing business spaces, establishing ourselves in strategic locations nationwide, generating a win-win approach and a circle of trust for our clients and employees, achieving better use of resources and thus contributing to the care of our planet.